
Josh Spindler
United Kingdom
Short Film Competition / Super Short Film Category
Grand Prize
ー What made you decide to enter the Nikon Photo Contest?
Human connection is a universal language; it can break down barriers and borders, but can also come at a price. I wanted to make a film that explored the cause and effect of our constant connection, highlighting the cost of our digital selves from the point of view of someone disconnected from it.
As an industry leader, Nikon's competition offered a global platform, so I was curious to see if my film's narrative would resonate with other people. While the 40-second time limit was challenging, I appreciated how it forced me to distill my message to its essence. This focus pushed me to make the core narrative relatable to the jury.
ー Do you have any episodes to share related to creating your award-winning Nikon Photo Contest work (photo or film)?
Honesty and sincerity are essential to documentary filmmaking. Gaining the trust of any subject is imperative to achieving the truth. I approach all of my work with an empathetic energy to form a collaboration with the real lives that will exist within the frame. My intention is always to establish a common ground before I even start to record, but since I made this film alone, with only a few hours to capture the story, I had to get to this point quickly. I had to adapt to shooting the entire film on the same day I introduced myself. It was a real experience of true independent filmmaking, which I feel very lucky to have experienced and it has reiterated to me that finding and telling a great story is crucial within this medium.
ー Tell us about your recent activities. Have there been any changes in your career and/or other aspects of your life since winning your Nikon Photo Contest award?
I've stayed focused on documentaries, finishing my new film Blanks & Tabs in 2024, which premiered at the London Independent Film Festival. The Nikon Z9 kit I won has pushed my film work forward and opened up new photography possibilities. I'm now working on Wild, Still - about a herd of wild cattle that unexpectedly survive on an uninhabited Scottish island - aiming to complete it in 2025. Without this equipment, this project would not have been possible.
ー What does shooting photos or films mean to you?
Making films gives me a voice in wide-reaching conversations. It allows me to present a stance in an engaging way, connect with people, and be present in important discussions. It offers a sense of escapism when I capture the magic within the mundane, as it shows me and those who watch it, there is always something special to be seen, no matter where you look. The camera becomes an interface between my experience and the audience. By making the work, I’m also opening myself up to the themes I'm displaying. I have witnessed human connection in real-time through the process, made lasting relationships, and experienced things I never would have had I not followed through with my ideas.

ー What’s your message to people considering entering the Nikon Film and Photo Contest?
Every piece of work you create is part of a live conversation with the rest of the world. Sharing the work is the only way to understand more about what you make, why you make it, and how the world responds.