Nikon Photo Contest 2018-2019

Next Generation Award photo story

Gold Prize

芳华(Fanghua - Moments in Our Youthful Days)

屠 靖涵(Jinghan Tu)



The camera I always have hanging around my neck is like another pair of eyes, and has essentially become a part of my body. Having the camera doesn’t affect how I engage with other people of the same generation. I am a part of the things that take place in each moment I capture. For me, pointing the lens at something is the same as taking screenshots of my own personal life. Every drop of rain, every smile, every quick motion, and every droplet when water is sprayed. The things I capture are nothing more than ordinary, yet they are all an important part of moments in the dazzling youthful lives of people, including myself. I continue to take photos to preserve the memories of those precious days which I have experienced.


I'll keep taking pictures until my life runs out.